Martin Karlsson, Analyst
Martin holds an M.Sc. in Finance from Hanken School of Economics and an M.Sc. in Forest Economics from the University of Helsinki.
"The bioeconomy is critical to society's transition to a greener economy."
Solutions for a greener future need to add value
The bioeconomy is critical to society’s transition to a greener economy. Personally, I feel that in order to achieve a greener future, it must bring added value for those who invests in it. A sustainable bioeconomy has the potential to solve many climate and biodiversity challenges. The bioeconomy is actively contributing in the green transition, promoting equitable and economically feasible growth on a social and regional scale.
Farming as a hobby
I grew up on a farm in southern Finland, and I’ve always been involved in farm and forestry work, which I continue to do alongside my studies and work. Working with Vision Hunters gives a different view on the forest industry than working in the forest. Having two distinct perspectives on forestry provides a better view of the entire sector. In addition, prior to joining Vision Hunters, I worked for Inkoo Shipping for four summers, three as a stevedore and one with administrative duties. During those summers, there was a noticeable shift in imports from fossil fuels to biomass, which was a change one could actually see even without looking at the numbers.
Other than working on the farm or in the forest, game management and hunting are two of my favourite spare time activities. During hunting season, I spend most of my weekends in the woods with the local hunting club.